At least I am going out a bit more. That, I have realised, is better than sitting at home and stewing on my problems. The holiday did help, although I think I slept through most of it. It was nice not having to get up and go anywhere or do anything. I did not go up t'north in the end. My friend forgot I was coming up. In a way I was relieved as it gave me more chance to relax, but I really want to make the effort to go up and see them.
As I am off for two whole days this week (Excited!), I think an outing is due on one of those days. I am tempted to go out on my own, somewhere quiet, just for a walk. Weather dependant, of course......
.........and as I couldn't go out last week, I think I will go out. You see, I was supposed to go out for Halloween. I had my outfit ready - Zombie Schoolgirl, I had done all my preparation, I was ready to go. Then, he throws a spanner in the works by getting in a strop with work. Yet again, I lost out. I shouldn't be surprised really, I never thought that me being around was going to be easy. Finding time for one person is tiring enough, let alone two people!! As long as I don't get pushed aside all the time and can come out to play, frequently and when time allows, it should work. Shouldn't it?
I will make the effort to take her out - hopefully it will calm me down a little. Not seeing my boss for three days will help as well. Onwards and upwards.......
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