Wednesday 6 July 2016

Well, it's been a whirlwind couple of weeks. Statements have been posted, both at my place of work and on me 1.0's Facebook page. The response to both has been nothing short of amazing. The amount of positivity and love has been overwhelming. I couldn't have expected it to go any better. So, on that note, I would like to welcome all my new followers and to say thank you to my long term followers for sticking with me. You must all be quite mad!!

The statement at work went out around three weeks ago. The managers in the area where I work were informed a few days before the statement went out to the staff. This was to help deflect any negative comments that may have been made by any of the staff. Then it was 'D' day. The day the statement went live. Each store in my area was sent a copy of my statement and a code of conduct to enforce the company policy on equality to put on the staff notice board. Then I waited.....................

.............and nothing. Perfect. Nothing negative and so far, all positive. It's taking a while for people to get used to using the correct pronouns and my new name (I've now legally changed it), but some people have known me for 11 years as one name so it may take them a while. I'll give them a certain amount of time, but by the end of August I will expect people to get it correct.

Work so far have been amazing. It's been a learning curve for all of us and we are all feeling our way down the path. I have a contact at my head office who has been very helpful in sorting some of the more mundane things out (name badges, first aid certificates etc.) and for fashion advice!! The reaction of the staff has been a massive confidence boost. The future looks good - fingers crossed.

Now onto Facebook. The purveyor of social inadequacy to the world. Me 1.0 and me 2.0 had separate profiles. Lots of my friends were already friends on me 2.0's profile, but a lot of people weren't. As me 1.0 doesn't exist anymore, certain things, such as the Facebook profile have to go. I decided to put a status on the profile to explain my situation and a brief overview of the history behind it. The response - phenomenal! Messages left, right and centre; friend requests galore, lots of positive comments and lots of why has it taken you so long!!

This has made me feel a lot more confident in my decision (it has basically reinforced my original decision) and has lifted my mood immensely. I am excited about going to work as I should be and excited about what the future will be. There is a mountain to climb to get there, with name changes, basic physical changes and getting many little things in place that you don't realise. Some things are easy, some are difficult. Some just make you want to bag your head against a brick wall. It will all be worth it though.

Now, this blog has chronicled nearly every outing as me 2.0 up until now. As me 1.0 is no more (thanks for the memories, but it's time to move on) and me 2.0 was the struggle I had with my alter ego, which is now over, me 3.0 is now here. Me 3.0 is me as I should be. It would be foolish to chronicle every outing now, so I will now just concentrate on the major events and the inner workings of my mind. Once my transition begins in earnest, this blog will be left as a record of my journey from a crazy, mixed up and confused human being to a happier, more positive and confident human being. A new start means a new blog. My journey into womanhood. Eeeek! xx

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