Sunday 22 May 2016

Nothing ever runs to plan. Fact of life. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. A small curve ball has been thrown my way this week. Nothing too major, but something may be happening sooner than I planned.

As a matter of course, it is good practice to put out a statement to my workplace explaining that I will be transitioning to me 3.0. I intended to do this at the end of August, a couple of weeks before going to work full time as me 3.0. However, with the workplace rumour mill gathering speed, it has been agreed to bring this release forward to.......this week. Not ideal, but I can see the pro points in releasing it earlier. It won't be going out until the content is agreed - by me! Could be an interesting week, work wise. We'll see........

So, to April. A couple of milestones reached and a few scenarios conquered. Firstly, a hen do and then the wedding. A long time friend of mine was finally getting married. Yippee! Although we don't see each other very often, I consider them a very good friend and it's always nice to catch up with them. I digress. I was lucky enough to be invited to their hen do. Another scenario to add to the list for the Real Life Experience.

I didn't know what to expect. You hear stories about what happens at these parties and as I hadn't experienced anything like this before (my own stag do was quite tame!). It was being hosted by the hen at their new house, which for me was a hour or so drive west from my place. I spent the early afternoon getting ready. As my hair was due a cut, I decided to wig it. It was the longest I'd driven as me 3.0, so another good test for me. I arrived about an hour before things got started as I didn't fancy being the last one there.

The rest of the guests started to turn up and the alcohol was opened. We chose some films to watch - Dirty Dancing, Top Gun and Bridesmaids. We then started the games. Lets just say they were hen do games! As more alcohol was drunk, the more relaxed I became. It was a fab evening and another experience to add to the list. Meeting some of the people at the party would prove useful at the wedding. I drove home the next day, still tired, but happy.

Onto the wedding. My first for a few years and my first as me 3.0. A few months before, I had asked the question as to the dress code. The answer - bright and summery. So, after browsing eBay, I came across the perfect dress. Green with white flower on. Summery and bright. I accessorised it with bits that I already owned and decided to style my own hair for the occasion. (This involved a trip to the hairdressers the day before). I got ready, packed my overnight bag and hopped in the car for the drive west to the venue. What should have taken just over an hour turned into 2 hours. What a nightmare.

I arrived at the hotel I was staying in, checked in (it had been booked under me 1.0 and me 3.0 turned up, confusing the reception staff!) and made my way to the room. I had just enough time to freshen up and touch up my makeup before walking to the venue. Walking through a busy city centre on a Saturday afternoon as me 3.0. Was I apprehensive? No. I was more worried about getting to the venue on time! I eventually got to the venue (via a couple of wrong turns) and made my way to the ceremony.

I sat on my own as I really didn't know anyone and as usually happens at weddings, people sit with people they know. I was just happy to be there and seeing my friend marry someone who they seem extremely happy with. It was a lovely ceremony and both bride and groom looked relaxed and very happy. After the ceremony, we were led to a seating area where drinks were available whilst the pictures were being taken and the room was being made ready for the reception.

This was where meeting the people at the hen do proved useful. One of the bridesmaids came over and sat next to me as they didn't know many people either. We got chatting, consumed few Pimms(!) and eventually we formed a group with another couple of people from the hen do. This would prove very funny later on in the evening! Then, before we realised, the room was ready for the reception and we sat at our respective tables.

Sitting with people I hadn't met before would have normally made me very nervous, but this time, I took it in my stride. The bridesmaid from earlier was sitting next to me, which helped and we did the obligatory introductions. I felt totally at ease. Another scenario done. We ate, drank, toasted, listened to the speeches and drank again. Once the food was over, we were led outside again whilst the disco was set up.

We went back in after a few minutes (I can't exactly remember how long, due to the Pimms!) after linking up to another few from the hen do. We were ready to dance.  And dance we did! Fuelled by alcohol and a sense of duty to dance as no one else was, we hit the dance floor hard. I learnt the Macarena, Saturday Night and a couple of other dances, drank lots and had a brilliant time with the people I was sitting with. They know who they are! Thank you to you all and especially to the bridesmaid who sat with me in the beginning. You helped put me at ease and helped me enormously that day.

As quickly as it began, it was over. The dancing had been done, the drink had been drunk and the feet were sore. It was time to go. I caught a lift back with the happy couple as they required a stop at the only off licence open, which was near my hotel. I said my goodbyes and wandered into my hotel, happy and if ever so slightly drunk. It was time for the pumpkin to return, the makeup to come off and the clothes to be taken off as me 1.0 came back. Then, sleep!

I confused the reception staff the next morning. The same person checked me out as had booked me in. You could see the questioning look in their eyes, but nothing was said. I got into my car and started the drive home. It had been a good day and it had helped my confidence immensely. My friend had got married - something I've been waiting for, for a long time!

April was a better month overall. May has shaped up to be a good month so far, with one more surprise up it's sleeve. More to follow after the Bank Holiday weekend.

STOP PRESS! My statement will not be going out this week. There has been a development - not a major one - but it has had an affect on the release of the statement. It will still be released earlier than I anticipated, but not for the next couple of weeks.

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