Aggggggh! Back to the grindstone today. Back to my normal, humdrum life. Back to the tedium of my everyday existence. Struggling with a manager who is pretty useless at virtually everything, a head office who haven't got a clue about the size of my store and what we sell and a general lack of any kind of enthusiasm for my job have made me both stressed and tired. It has got to the point where I don't want to go to work. All I want to do is stay at home, in bed and try to sleep.
I am becoming a bit of a hermit because of this. I'm not fussed about going out - I'd rather stay in and veg out. I must confess, working long hours and a months house-sitting have taken it out of me and my body is sending out a very clear message: STOP! Lots of spots, boils, aches, pains and a cough/cold just itching to develop mean that I will have to stop and rest and get myself well again. It's a good job I have 7 days holiday coming up! It sure is needed!!
I will be spending my time just relaxing and getting myself back on track and hopefully de-stressing a bit. A couple of days visiting friends up t'north, possibly a trip westward ho!, sorting out the last of my storage unit and an appearance from my alter ego perhaps? I certainly hope so ;) After last weeks outing, I feel she needs to come out more - if only for my sanity and well-being! It is amazing how she helps my moods. She seems to calm me down and lets me be who I want to be. She feels more confident about coming out now, so that will hopefully be beneficial for me.
So, time for me to try and relax and try to forget about work tomorrow. Try to forget the tedium and the struggle, the endless search for enthusiasm and the gumption to actually get up and go to work. Damn! - why did you let me think about it? No sleep for me - I blame you!
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