Friday, 10 January 2014

So, this is the first blog entry of the 2014. I know it has been a few days since my last blog entry and for that, I am sorry.

My last entry stated my resolutions. It is only 10 days into the new year, but I can say that so far I am just about following them. I am eating healthier and watching what I eat; I am trying to put the past behind me with regard to my marriage and I am still working on who I want to be. I am starting to feel like all three are interlinked and will ultimately determine my future. Only I can see to that.

With regard to everyday life, so far, it has been OK. I had a very enjoyable New Years Eve with some good friends, felt a little unwell, physically, for the first couple of days of 2014, been out a few times for drinks with friends, taken part in a pub quiz(which we won!!) and generally mooching about. Nothing out of the ordinary. Mentally, I am in a good place at the moment. Glad that Christmas and New year are out of the way and the promise of a new start for 2014. However, I am still taking it one day at a time. 

She finally came back round this week. I have not seen her since November. Tuesday was my day off and she invited herself round. I was good to see her again and it really helped my mood. She wants to go out more this year and I really hope she does. I think at least once a month if not more. I will be pleased if she comes round more often - invited or not!!

I have been moaned at for not blogging enough, so I will endeavour to blog more frequently. I expect as the changes to my life increase, so will the blogging. We will see this time next year if the changes are major or minor. I am going for major............

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