Monday, 28 October 2013

The weekend has been busy enough to take my mind off of the real world problems that I face. A time for (non) alcoholic merriment, meeting up with old friends, increasing my culture quotient and flexing my bowling arm. Coupled with the counselling of a couple of close friends, this has given me brief respite from the turmoil within.

The depth of support from those around me has filled me with an increasing confidence and vigour. Today has been a good day. I have felt calm and peaceful. Sleep has been an issue, with the wind and rain last night, but I'm not letting it get to me. What's the use? I will just wind myself up more and feel a lot worse for it. I am going to try and get an early night tonight. However, as is the norm around here, my body has just woken up.

I'm seeing her twice in the next few weeks. Partying on Saturday and at a birthday party next week. She is going bowling - I don't think she has ever been before. I know she's nervous. She is scared in a way. Even though she has been out in public before, this is a different situation for her. No low lighting to shield her. No large group to hide behind. This is the stark reality of her new life.

Tomorrow is another day. What wonders will it hold? Hopefully a positive day. That is all I can hope and ask for.

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